Sunday, May 18, 2008

2008 Mother's Day Program - A Great Success!

Hello again CHS Alumni!

Just wanted to reach out to everybody who showed up for the 2008 Mother's Day Program to let them know it was great seeing everybody! Specifically Donna Rose-Williams, Darla Fowler-Mayse, Vickey Johnson-Dillard and Joslyn Dotson-Rodriguez. It's been 20 years since I've seen some of you and you all look great! It was also great seeing Rev. Quinton Gibson, who was the pastor of St. Paul Methodist Church at the inception of the Mother's Day program back in '88 and who was guest speaker for this years 20th anniversary. Rev. Gibson had great words of wisdom for the graduating class which was well needed. It was great seeing him again!

For those who weren't able to attend, you missed a very nice and moving ceremony. The class of 2008 represented well and celebrated their mothers beautifully. They wore they're graduation caps and gowns, they sang songs, recited "remember whens" and presented their mothers with flowers. They did a great job and I wish them all the best of luck!

Also, I was honored to present Darlene Hardy with a recognition award from the Class of '88. It was a beautiful glass flame plaque, with a wooden base, and the inscription was so touching. It read "Darlene Hardy, For igniting the creative spark in all of us, we honor you with the FLAME OF INSPIRATION AWARD. Thank you for generously sharing your light!" That is so accurate! For Mrs. Hardy to keep the program going strong for 20 years, giving her time, money and traveling from Dallas to C'ville during the week, is an effort on it's on and we salute her for being so giving of herself. Now the reigns are being handed over to the younger generation and I hope they can continue to keep the program going strong.

I do have to say this! The Class of '88, the charter class, the class that kicked off this program, was the best class ever! I think we were the only class that wore prom dresses and tuxedoes, and we looked good! The ladies wore heels (no flip flops), the men wore nice shoes(no Timbaland boots)and suits and we represented well! OK, let me get off that pedestal!

Seeing all of you again makes me hopeful that we can have a class reunion. A real class reunion! I want to see everybody! I hope that can come to fruition this year. If any of you class officers need my help in getting it together, please let me know! I'm just a click away.

Sorry, I don't have more pictures from the program, but a lot of them didn't turn out well. Unfortunately, my camera isn't very user-friendly and I had others taking pictures for me. I appreciate their efforts, but the pictures really Suck! LOL! So, I did a little photoshopping and what's on the blog is the best I could do, so enjoy!

In closing, The Mother's Day Program was a great success! Over $4000 was raised towards the United Methodist Scholarship Fund. Once I receive more info I will post it to the blog. Keep in touch everybody and contact me if you need anything! Peace!


Thursday, April 24, 2008

20th Anniversary Mother's Day Program, Sunday, May 11, 3:30 pm CHS Cafetorium

Greetings CHS alumni! The great Class of '88! Surely, the best class that ever came out of that school or that town, I might add!

It's been 20 years you guys! It's so hard to believe! Yes, I'm feeling a little old right now just thinking about it.

It is so great that we have this opportunity to come together for the 20th anniversary of the Mother's Day Program as well as our 20 year class reunion! Or might I say, mini-reunion or whatever you want to call it. I just think it's going to be awesome and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!

Oh, and let's not forget the great Darlene Fowler-Hardy who has kept this program going for 20 years! She could have just quit after her baby boy graduated, but she kept it going! She deserves major props for that!

It was so great talking to Darla Fowler-Mayse, Steve Murray, Bryan Sanders and Donna Rose the other day! Excluding DD, these are voices I haven't heard in years! Glad to know that everyone's doing well and are happy and healthy!

I'm hoping that others can join us soon! I'm also hoping that we can contact some of those long lost classmates that we haven't seen or talked to since graduation. If not for the program, just to see how they are doing. I think it's important for us to reach out to each other and keep in touch, and I'm hoping this blog will help us do that. I created it as a means to exchange ideas for the Mother's Day program and to keep in touch, exchange information, network and whatever else we want to do with it!

So, let's make the 20th Anniversary of the Mother's Day program a great event! A memorable event! Let's raise money for the scholarship fund as our way of giving back to the community. Clarksville's youth are in dire straits right now. They need positive role models and they need to see that their surroundings and environment doesn't define who they are or what they can be!

Let's be that example for them. Let's show them how the Class of '88 does it! Take care and hope to hear from you all soon!



Coming Soon!

Updates on fellow classmates to find out where they are and what they've been up!